Sohei ARISAKA’s academic personal website

About me

I am Sohei ARISAKA (壮平 有坂), a researcher at Kajima Techanical Research Institute Singapore (KaTRIS) and a PhD candidate at the Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore (NUS). I am interested in scientific machine learning (scientific computing + machine learning) and applications of machine learning in the construction industry.


  • Arisaka, S.; Li, Q. Accelerating Legacy Numerical Solvers by Non-intrusive Gradient-based Meta-solving. In Proceedings of the 41th International Conference on Machine Learning; PMLR, 2024; pp 1689-1708.
  • Arisaka, S.; Li, Q. Principled Acceleration of Iterative Numerical Methods Using Machine Learning. In Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning; PMLR, 2023; pp 1041–1059.
  • 山口純輝, 有坂壮平, 玉川悠貴, & 幸次郎武居. (2020). ソフトラベルと技術者の判定方法を考慮した機械学習によるスライム検知. 人工知能学会全国大会論文集, JSAI2020, 3Rin463–3Rin463.
  • 今井道男, 中村真人, 松本修治, 有坂壮平, 露木健一郎, 松川剛一, & 柳井修司. (2019). 画像によるコンクリート打継面の処理評価への AI 適用. 人工知能学会全国大会論文集, JSAI2020, 4Q3J1302–J1304Q3J1302.
  • 有坂壮平, 玉川悠貴, & 幸次郎武居. (2019). 機械学習による杭施工時のスライム検知. 人工知能学会全国大会論文集, JSAI2019, 3Q3J1302–J1303Q3J1302.